Our company provides the following services:
  • Study of physical and chemical properties of materials provided by the customer:
    Determination of chemical composition by X-ray fluorescence analysis and atomic absorption analysis;
    Determination of the phase composition by infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis, differential thermal and thermo-gravimetric analysis;
    Study of physical properties: density (bulk and true), dispersion (particle size distribution), moisture content, strength (crushability), porosity, pore volume and size, adsorption capacity for various substances, melting point, decomposition, and ignition;
    Study of chemical properties: pH of aqueous extract, solubility in water and other solvents, interaction with chemically active substances.
  • Establishing compliance of the provided material with the requirements of regulatory documents for use in certain industries
  • Analysis of the properties of the provided material with the subsequent identification of potential applications
  • Analysis of promising methods of processing the provided material to obtain highly liquid products
  • Development of processing technologies based on the results of step 4. Establishment of laboratory and pilot plants for technology demonstration with subsequent design and manufacture of full-scale production complexes by the Company's design and production departments
Working conditions
The work can be carried out in each of the above areas separately (provided that the Customer provides a clearly formulated technical task) or in a comprehensive format. Such a format implies that the Customer simply provides samples of the material of interest.

The laboratory performs the following sequence of actions:
1. Analysis of the material received from the Customer by a set of physical and chemical methods;
2. On the basis of the results obtained in step 1 - selection of possible applications and processing methods.
3. Drawing up a list of possible areas and methods of material use with a preliminary economic and technological analysis of potential profitability.